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Using MLAR Data

MLAR Publications:

Modified LAR is the public-facing set of the Loan Application Register (LAR) data in which 27 fields have been redacted for privacy reasons. In addition, 6 fields have been modified for privacy. Two fields have been added indicating whether the age of the applicant or co-applicant is greater than 62 have been added. Please refer to the schemas, or Regulation C for further details on Modified LAR disclosure.

Note concerning schemas: Blanks are when a data field contains no entry. Blanks are valid enumerations for some data fields, for more information see the Filing Instruction Guide

Fields Redacted in the 2018 Modified LAR Data Release for Privacy

  1. Universal Loan Identifier (ULI) or Non Universal Loan Identifier (NULI)
  2. Application Date
  3. Action Taken Date
  4. Street Address
  5. City
  6. Zip Code
  7. Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Hispanic or Latino
  8. Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Hispanic or Latino
  9. Race of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe
  10. Race of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Asian
  11. Race of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Pacific Islander
  12. Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe
  13. Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Asian
  14. Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Pacific Islander
  15. Credit Score of Applicant or Borrower.
  16. Credit Score of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower
  17. Applicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 8
  18. Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 8
  19. Reason for Denial: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 9
  20. Mortgage Loan Originator NMLSR Identifier
  21. Automated Underwriting System: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 5
  22. Automated Underwriting System Result: 1
  23. Automated Underwriting System Result: 2
  24. Automated Underwriting System Result: 3
  25. Automated Underwriting System Result: 4
  26. Automated Underwriting System Result: 5
  27. Automated Underwriting System Result: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 16

New Fields Added to Modified LAR

Age of Applicant >= 62 Description: Field that indicates whether the applicant or borrower has an age greater than or equal to 62.

  • Yesif the age of the applicant is >= 62.
  • No if the age is <= 62.
  • NAif Age of Applicant or Borrower is 8888 or 9999

Age of Co-Applicant >= 62 Description: Field that indicates whether the applicant or borrower has an age greater than or equal to 62.

  • Yesif the age of the applicant is >= 62.
  • No if the age is <= 62.
  • NA if Age of Applicant or Borrower is 8888 or 9999

Fields Modified for Privacy in the Modified LAR Data

The modified LAR data contains the following alterations to reported values.

Loan Amount Description: Loan amount are rounded to the midpoint of the nearest $10,000 interval for which the reported value falls (For example a reported value of $117834 would be disclosed as $115000 as the midpoint between values $110000 and $120000).

Applicant/Co-Applicant Age Description: Each age value is binned to the following categories:

  • <25 | Ages less than 25
  • 25-34 | Ages between 25 and 34
  • 35-44 | Ages between 35 and 44
  • 45-54 | Ages between 45 and 54
  • 55-64 | Ages between 55 and 64
  • 65-74 | Ages between 65 and 74
  • >74 | Ages greater than 74

Debt-to-Income Ratio Description: Exact values between 36% and less than 50% are published without modification. Non-applicable values are published without modification. Exempt values are published without modification. All other categories are binned to the following:

  • <20% | Values less than 20%
  • 20%-<30% | Values between 20% and less than 30%
  • 30%-<36% | Values between 30% and less than 36%
  • 50%-60% | Values between 50% and 60%
  • >60% | Values greater than 60%

Property Value Description: Property values are rounded to the midpoint of the nearest $10,000 interval for which the reported value falls (For example a reported value of $117834 would be disclosed as $115000 as the midpoint between values $110000 and $120000).

Total Units Description: Exact values between 1 and 4 are disclosed. Other values are binned according to the following:

  • 5-24 | Values between 5 and 24
  • 25-49 | Values between 25 and 49
  • 50-99 | Values between 50 and 99
  • 100-149 | Values between 100 and 149
  • >149 | Values over 149

Multifamily Affordable Units Description: Values that are not NA or Exempt are disclosed as a percentage calculated as multifamily affordable units reported / total units reported, and rounded to the nearest whole number.

An official website of the CFPB's HMDA  v3.1.10

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