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Aggregate Disclosure Reports

What’s Changed?

The Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) requires lending institutions to make annual public disclosures of their home mortgage and home improvement lending activity. In addition to each lending institution's individual disclosure statement, aggregate data tables covering the lending activity of all institutions subject to HMDA in each MSA/MD for the entire nation are made available. Aggregate Reports summarize lending activity by MSA/MD. Disclosure reports summarize lending activity for individual institutions, both nationwide and by MSA/MD.

Aggregate and Disclosure reports available for 2018 are listed below. Reports that have been discontinued in 2018 can now be produced using the HMDA Data Browser. Starting in 2018, derived fields are based on new data points collected and reported using the CFPB disclosure methodology.

Explanations of derived fields that were used in the creation of these reports can be found in the Derived Data Fields Guide. For custom report creation, visit the HMDA Data Browser. Note: Series identifiers (i, 1, 2, 3, etc.) have been discontinued for all reports.

National Aggregate Reports

National Aggregate reports are not produced for data collected in or after 2018.

MSA/MD Aggregate Reports

Reports Retained in 2018:

2018 Report Name2017 Report NameChange Made (If Applicable)
Reporting Institutionsi - Reporting InstitutionsNo Change
Applications by Tract1 - Applications by Tract- Removed Minimum Population and Median Income columns
- Added Applications Received row (total of all action taken dispositions for each census tract)
Loans Purchased by Tract2 - Loans Purchased by TractNo Change
Applications by Race and SexAll reports in Series 4: By Race- Aggregated all loan types into one report, Applications by Race and Sex
- Added Free Form Text Only field for Race and Ethnicity reporting
Applications by Income, Race, and EthnicityAll reports in Series 5: By App Income- Aggregated all loan types into one report, Applications by Income, Race, and Ethnicity
- Added Free Form Text Only field for Race and Ethnicity reporting
Applications by Median Age of Homes9 - Loans by Median Age of Homes- Added the 2011-Present year range
- Added Applications Received row (total of all action taken dispositions for each census tract)

Reports Added to 2018:

2018 Report NameReport Description
Applications by Race and SexDisposition of all applications, including purchased loans, by race and sex of applicant
Applications by Ethnicity and SexDisposition of all applications, including purchased loans, by ethnicity and sex of applicant
Applications by Income, Race, and EthnicityDisposition of all applications, including purchased loans, by application income, race, and ethnicity of applicant

Reports Discontinued from 2017:

Series #Series Name
3Loans Sold
4By Race
5By App Income
7By Tract Income
11Pricing Information
12Conventional Manufactured Home Purchase Loans
ALoan Sale by Loan Type
BConventional Loans by Loan Pricing Information

Disclosure Reports

Reports Retained in 2018:

2018 Report Name2017 Report NameChange Made (If Applicable)
Institution Register SummaryR1 - IRS TableNo Change
Applications by Tract1 - Applications by Tract- Removed Minimum Population and Median Income columns
- Added Applications Received row (total of all action taken dispositions for each census tract)
Loans Purchased by Tract2 - Loans Purchased by TractNo Change

Reports Discontinued from 2017:

Series #Series Name
3Loans Sold
4By Race
5By App Income
7By Tract Income
11Pricing Information
12Conventional Manufactured Home Purchase Loans
ALoan Sale by Loan Type
BConventional Loans by Loan Pricing Information

An official website of the CFPB's HMDA  v3.1.5

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