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2017 MLAR Specification

Data Field NumberData Field NameData Field TypeValid ValuesDescriptions and Examples
1Record Identifier - Value is 2Numeric2
2Respondent-IDAlphanumericPlease see FAQ about institution identifiers for 2017
3Agency CodeNumeric1 2 3 5 7 9Descriptions: 1. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) 2. Federal Reserve System (FRS) 3. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) 5. National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) 7. United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 9. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
4Loan TypeNumeric1 2 3 4Descriptions:1. Conventional (any loan other than FHA VA FSA or RHS loans) 2. FHA-insured (Federal Housing Administration) 3. VA-guaranteed (Veterans Administration) 4. FSA/RHS-guaranteed (Farm Service Agency or Rural Housing Service)
5Property TypeNumeric1 2 3Descriptions: 1. One to four-family (other than manufactured housing) 2. Manufactured housing 3. Multifamily
6Loan PurposeNumeric1 2 3Descriptions: 1. Home purchase 2. Home improvement 3. Refinancing
7Owner OccupancyNumeric1 2 3Descriptions: 1. Owner-occupied as a principal dwelling 2. Not owner-occupied 3. Not applicable
8Loan AmountNumericReport in thousands. Round to the nearest thousand without leading zeros and without commas. Example: 111
9PreapprovalsNumeric1 2 3Descriptions: 1. Preapproval was requested 2. Preapproval was not requested 3. Not applicable
10Type of Action TakenNumeric1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Descriptions: 1. Loan originated 2. Application approved but not accepted 3. Application denied by financial institution 4. Application withdrawn by applicant 5. File closed for incompleteness 6. Loan purchased by your institution 7. Preapproval request denied by financial institution 8. Preapproval request approved but not accepted (optional reporting)
11Metropolitan Statistical Area/Metropolitan DivisionAlphanumericMetropolitan Statistical Area or Metropolitan Division (if appropriate) code or NA. Example: 40900
12State CodeAlphanumericFIPS code or NA. Example: 06
13County CodeAlphanumericFIPS code or NA. Example: 113
14Census TractAlphanumericInclude decimal point or NA. Example: 0109.02
15Applicant EthnicityNumeric1 2 3 4Descriptions: 1. Hispanic or Latino 2. Not Hispanic or Latino 3. Information not provided by applicant in mail Internet or telephone application (see App. A I.D.2.) 4. Not applicable
16Co-applicant EthnicityNumeric1 2 3 4 5Descriptions: 1. Hispanic or Latino 2. Not Hispanic or Latino 3. Information not provided by applicant in mail Internet or telephone application (see App. A I.D.2.) 4. Not applicable 5. No co-applicant
17Applicant Race: 1Numeric1 2 3 4 5 6 7Descriptions: 1. American Indian or Alaska Native 2. Asian 3. Black or African American 4. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 5. White 6. Information not provided by applicant in mail Internet or telephone application (see App. A I.D.2.) 7. Not applicable
18Applicant Race: 2Numeric1 2 3 4 5Descriptions: 1. American Indian or Alaska Native 2. Asian 3. Black or African American 4. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 5. White. If this data field does not contain an entry leave it blank
19Applicant Race: 3Numeric1 2 3 4 5Descriptions: 1. American Indian or Alaska Native 2. Asian 3. Black or African American 4. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 5. White. If this data field does not contain an entry leave it blank
20Applicant Race: 4Numeric1 2 3 4 5Descriptions: 1. American Indian or Alaska Native 2. Asian 3. Black or African American 4. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 5. White. If this data field does not contain an entry leave it blank
21Applicant Race: 5Numeric1 2 3 4 5Descriptions: 1. American Indian or Alaska Native 2. Asian 3. Black or African American 4. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 5. White. If this data field does not contain an entry leave it blank
22Co-applicant Race: 1Numeric1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Descriptions: 1. American Indian or Alaska Native 2. Asian 3. Black or African American 4. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 5. White 6. Information not provided by applicant in mail Internet or telephone application (see App. A I.D.2.) 7. Not applicable 8. No co-applicant
23Co-applicant Race: 2Numeric1 2 3 4 5Descriptions: 1. American Indian or Alaska Native 2. Asian 3. Black or African American 4. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 5. White. If this data field does not contain an entry leave it blank
24Co-applicant Race: 3Numeric1 2 3 4 5Descriptions: 1. American Indian or Alaska Native 2. Asian 3. Black or African American 4. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 5. White. If this data field does not contain an entry leave it blank
25Co-applicant Race: 4Numeric1 2 3 4 5Descriptions: 1. American Indian or Alaska Native 2. Asian 3. Black or African American 4. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 5. White. If this data field does not contain an entry leave it blank
26Co-applicant Race: 5Numeric1 2 3 4 5Descriptions: 1. American Indian or Alaska Native 2. Asian 3. Black or African American 4. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 5. White. If this data field does not contain an entry leave it blank
27Applicant SexNumeric1 2 3 4Descriptions: 1. Male 2. Female 3. Information not provided by applicant in mail Internet or telephone application (see App. A I.D.2.) 4. Not applicable
28Co-applicant SexNumeric1 2 3 4 5Descriptions: 1. Male 2. Female 3. Information not provided by applicant in mail Internet or telephone application (see App. A I.D.2.) 4. Not applicable 5. No co-applicant
29Applicant IncomeAlphanumericReport in thousands round to the nearest thousand and without commas or NA. Example: 36
30Type of PurchaserNumeric0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Descriptions: 0. Loan was not originated or was not sold in calendar year 1. Fannie Mae 2. Ginnie Mae 3. Freddie Mac 4. Farmer Mac 5. Private securitization 6. Commercial bank savings bank or savings association 7. Life insurance company credit union mortgage bank or finance company 8. Affiliate institution 9. Other type of purchaser
31Denial Reason: 1Numeric1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Descriptions: 1. Debt-to-income ratio 2. Employment history 3. Credit history 4. Collateral 5. Insufficient cash (down payment closing costs) 6. Unverifiable information 7. Credit application incomplete 8. Mortgage insurance denied 9. Other. If this data field does not contain an entry leave it blank
32Denial Reason: 2Numeric1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Descriptions: 1. Debt-to-income ratio 2. Employment history 3. Credit history 4. Collateral 5. Insufficient cash (down payment closing costs) 6. Unverifiable information 7. Credit application incomplete 8. Mortgage insurance denied 9. Other. If this data field does not contain an entry leave it blank
33Denial Reason: 3Numeric1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Descriptions: 1. Debt-to-income ratio 2. Employment history 3. Credit history 4. Collateral 5. Insufficient cash (down payment closing costs) 6. Unverifiable information 7. Credit application incomplete 8. Mortgage insurance denied 9. Other. If this data field does not contain an entry leave it blank
34Rate SpreadAlphanumericEnter the rate spread to two decimal places. Include the decimal point and any leading or trailing zeros or NA. Example: 03.29
35HOEPA StatusNumeric1 2Descriptions: 1. HOEPA loan 2. Not a HOEPA loan
36Lien StatusNumeric1 2 3 4Descriptions: 1. Secured by a first lien 2. Secured by a subordinate lien 3. Not secured by a lien 4. Not applicable (purchased loans)

An official website of the CFPB's HMDA  v3.1.10

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