HMDA Beta Platform Filing API
The following documentation outlines the simulated submission of HMDA data using the Beta Filing API.
The HMDA Beta Platform is a test environment for pre-release builds of the HMDA Platform. No data submitted to the HMDA Beta Platform will be considered as evidence of regulatory compliance.
The HMDA Beta Platform is for test purposes only. Any data submitted WILL NOT be considered as evidence of regulatory compliance. For official Submissions, please visit
Please note: Starting on January 1st 2025, for the 2025 HMDA Filling season, all users will be required to authenticate using
Getting a Bearer Token
In lieu of directly getting a token from an API call you will be required to go through the HMDA UI and obtain a Bearer Token via the HMDA User account page.
In the top right of the UI, click your name. It will take you to the Profile page. Scroll to the bottom and hover over the Developer Settings
and click the Copy Auth Token
option, it will copy the Bearer Token to your clipboard which can then be used for API calls.
Postman Collection
The HMDA Postman Collection has been prepared to simplify the process of using the HMDA Platform Filing APIs.
Postman is a client side application that allows users to easily construct Beta HMDA Platform API calls and import external Beta Platform API collections.
Filing Process
Submission of HMDA data follows these steps which are mirrored in the Submission status codes:
Please note: The HMDA Beta Platform is for test purposes only. Signing of Submissions on the Beta Platform is disabled, as any data submitted WILL NOT be considered as evidence of regulatory compliance.
- Create a Filing: There is one Filing per institution, per filing season. This Filing is created by the HMDA Operations team in preperation for each filing season.
- Create a Submission: Submissions are created within a Filing with each representing a single file upload. Many Submissions can be created for a Filing. Each new Submission is assigned a sequentially incremented ID.
- Upload a File: A file is then uploaded to the Submission that was created. Only one file can be uploaded per Submission. To upload a new file you must create a new Submission.
- Check the status of the Submission: If a Submission triggers Syntactical or Validity Edits, a corrected file must be uploaded.
- Validate Quality Edits: Review any Quality Edits that have been triggered and confirm that the submitted data are correct.
- Validate Macro Edits: Review any Macro Edits that have been triggered and confirm that the submitted data are correct.
- Simulation Complete: Signing is disabled for Beta Platform Submissions.
Object Hierarchy
Submission Status
The Submission status is the best way to check the state of a Filing. It will be useful to query the Submission status often throughout the process of file upload and Edit validation.
Submission Status Codes
JSON Response:{
"id": {
"lei": "12345abc",
"period": "2020",
"sequenceNumber": 3
"status": {
"code": 1,
"message": "No data has been uploaded yet.",
"description": "The filing period is open and available to accept HMDA data. Make sure your data is in a pipe-delimited text file."
"start": 0,
"end": 0,
"fileName": "test.txt",
"receipt": ""
In order to track the status of a Filing for a financial institution, the following states are captured by the HMDA Platform:
Code | Message | Description |
1 | No data has been uploaded yet. | The filing period is open and available to accept HMDA data. Make sure your data is in a pipe-delimited text file. |
2 | Your file is uploading. | Your file is currently being uploaded to the HMDA Platform. |
3 | Your file has been uploaded. | Your data is ready to be analyzed. |
4 | Checking the formatting of your data. | Your file is being analyzed to ensure that it meets formatting requirements specified in the HMDA Filing Instructions Guide. |
5 | Your data has formatting errors. | Review these errors and update your file. Then, upload the corrected file. |
6 | Your data is formatted correctly. | Your file meets the formatting requirements specified in the HMDA Filing Instructions Guide. Your data will now be analyzed for any edits. |
7 | Your data is being analyzed. | Your data has been uploaded and is being checked for any edits. |
8 | Your data has been analyzed for Syntactical and Validity Errors. | Your file has been analyzed and does not contain any Syntactical or Validity errors. |
9 | Your data has syntactical and/or validity edits that need to be reviewed. | Your file has been uploaded, but the filing process may not proceed until the file is corrected and re-uploaded. |
10 | Your data has been analyzed for Quality Errors. | Your file has been analyzed, and does not contain quality errors. |
11 | Your data has quality edits that need to be reviewed. | Your file has been uploaded, but the filing process may not proceed until edits are verified or the file is corrected and re-uploaded. |
12 | Your data has been analyzed for macro errors. | Your file has been analyzed, and does not contain macro errors. |
13 | Your data has macro edits that need to be reviewed. | Your file has been uploaded, but the filing process may not proceed until edits are verified or the file is corrected and re-uploaded. |
14 | Your data is ready for submission. | Your financial institution has certified that the data is correct, but it has not been submitted yet. |
-1 | An error occurred while submitting the data. | Please re-upload your file. |
Start a Filing
For every filing period, you must begin by starting a Filing. This only needs to be done once per filing season. On the official HMDA Platform this Filing will have already been created by the HMDA Operations team.
will result in a 200
only for the first time it's called. If the Filing for the given filing period already exists, the POST
will return a 400
Method: POST
Headers: Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}
Request:curl -X POST \
"{{year}}" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' \
"filing": {
"period": "2020",
"lei": "B90YWS6AFX2LGWOXJ1LD",
"status": {
"code": 2,
"message": "in-progress"
"filingRequired": true,
"start": 1572378187454,
"end": 0
"submissions": []
Get a Filing
This endpoint can be used to confirm that a Filing exists for the relevant period.
Method: GET
Headers: Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}
Request:curl -X GET \
"{{year}}" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' \
"filing": {
"period": "2020",
"lei": "B90YWS6AFX2LGWOXJ1LD",
"status": {
"code": 2,
"message": "in-progress"
"filingRequired": true,
"start": 1572378187454,
"end": 0
"submissions": []
Create a Submission
A Submission must be created for each file upload. More than one Submission can be created for a filing period. The most recent Submission will be considered the Latest Submission. Each POST
on the Submission endpoint will return a new Submission sequenceNumber
Method: POST
Headers: {{access_token}}
Request:curl -X POST \
"{{year}}/submissions" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' \
"id": {
"lei": "B90YWS6AFX2LGWOXJ1LD",
"period": "2020",
"sequenceNumber": 10
"status": {
"code": 1,
"message": "No data has been uploaded yet.",
"description": "The filing period is open and available to accept HMDA data. Make sure your data is in a pipe-delimited text file."
"start": 1572358820303,
"end": 0,
"fileName": "",
"receipt": ""
Get the Latest Submission
Returns details about the last created Submission including its sequence number and status.
Method: GET
Headers: Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}
Request:curl -X GET \
"{{year}}/submissions/latest" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' \
"id": {
"lei": "B90YWS6AFX2LGWOXJ1LD",
"period": "2020",
"sequenceNumber": 10
"status": {
"code": 13,
"message": "Your data has macro edits that need to be reviewed.",
"description": "Your file has been uploaded, but the filing process may not proceed until edits are verified or the file is corrected and re-uploaded."
"start": 1572372016130,
"end": 0,
"fileName": "clean_file_10.txt",
"receipt": "",
"qualityVerified": false,
"macroVerified": false,
"qualityExists": true,
"macroExists": true
Upload a File
Upload a file to a Submission.
Method: POST
Headers: Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}, 'Content-Type': multipart/form-data
Payload: LAR file
Request:curl -X POST \
"{{year}}/submissions/{{sequenceNumber}}" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' \
-H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
-F file=<file.csv>
"id": {
"lei": "B90YWS6AFX2LGWOXJ1LD",
"period": "2020",
"sequenceNumber": 10
"code": 3,
"message": "Your file has been uploaded.",
"description": "Your data is ready to be analyzed."
"start": 1572372016130,
"end": 0,
"fileName": "",
"receipt": ""
View Parsing Errors
Returns a list of all parsing errors triggered by the file uploaded to a Submission.
Method: GET
Headers: Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}
Request:curl -X POST \
"{{year}}/submissions/{{sequenceNumber}}/parseErrors" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}'
"transmittalSheetErrors": [],
"larErrors": [],
"count": 0,
"total": 0,
"status": {
"code": 5,
"message": "Your data has formatting errors.",
"description": "Review these errors and update your file. Then, upload the corrected file."
"_links": {
"href": "/institutions/B90YWS6AFX2LGWOXJ1LD/filings/{{year}}/submissions/24/parseErrors{rel}",
"self": "?page=1",
"first": "?page=1",
"prev": "?page=1",
"next": "?page=0",
"last": "?page=0"
View All Edits
Returns a summary of all Edits triggered by an upload in a Submission.
Method: GET
Headers: Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}
Request:curl -X GET \
"{{year}}/submissions/{{sequenceNumber}}/edits" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}'
"syntactical": {
"edits": []
"validity": {
"edits": []
"quality": {
"edits": [
"edit": "Q630",
"description": "If Total Units is greater than or equal to 5, then HOEPA Status generally should equal 3."
"edit": "Q631",
"description": "If Loan Type equals 2, 3 or 4, then Total Units generally should be less than or equal to 4."
"verified": false
"macro": {
"edits": [
"edit": "Q637",
"description": "No more than 15% of the loans in the file should report Action Taken equals 5. Your data indicates a percentage outside of this range."
"verified": false
"status": {
"code": 13,
"message": "Your data has macro edits that need to be reviewed.",
"description": "Your file has been uploaded, but the filing process may not proceed until edits are verified or the file is corrected and re-uploaded.",
"qualityVerified": false,
"macroVerified": false
View Edit Details
Returns detailed information about a specific Edit, including a list of lines that triggered the Edit and the relevant fields from those lines.
Method: GET
Headers: Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}
Request:curl -X GET \
"{{year}}/submissions/{{sequenceNumber}}/edits/Q631" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}'
"edit": "Q631",
"rows": [
"fields": [
"name": "Loan Type",
"value": "3"
"name": "Total Units",
"value": "16"
"count": 20,
"total": 54,
"_links": {
"href": "/institutions/B90YWS6AFX2LGWOXJ1LD/filings/{{year}}/submissions/{{sequenceNumber}}/edits/Q631{rel}",
"self": "?page=1",
"first": "?page=1",
"prev": "?page=1",
"next": "?page=2",
"last": "?page=3"
Verify Quality Edits
Verify that the uploaded data is correct and that the reported Quality Edits are not relevent to the Submission.
Method: POST
Headers: Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}
Body: {"verified": true/false}
Request:curl -X POST \
"{{year}}/submissions/{{sequenceNumber}}/edits/quality" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' \
-d '{"verified": true}'
"verified": true,
"status": {
"code": 13,
"message": "Your data has macro edits that need to be reviewed.",
"description": "Your file has been uploaded, but the filing process may not proceed until edits are verified or the file is corrected and re-uploaded."
Verify Macro Edits
Verify that the uploaded data is correct and that the reported Macro Edits are not relevent to the Submission.
Method: POST
Endpoint |{{year}}/submissions/{{sequenceNumber}}/edits/macro
Headers: Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}
Body: {"verified": true/false}
Request:curl -X POST \
"{{year}}/submissions/{{sequenceNumber}}/edits/macro" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' \
-d '{"verified": true}'
"verified": true,
"status": {
"code": 14,
"message": "Your data is ready for submission.",
"description": "Your financial institution has certified that the data is correct, but it has not been submitted yet."
Quarterly Filing
All the endpoints are the same for quarterly filing with the addtion of quarter/Q1/
, quarter/Q2/
or quarter/Q3/
after the filing parameter and before the submission parameter.
curl -X GET \
"{{year}}/quarter/Q1/submissions/latest" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' \
"id": {
"lei": "B90YWS6AFX2LGWOXJ1LD",
"period": {
"year": "2020"
"quarter": "Q1"
"sequenceNumber": 10
"status": {
"code": 13,
"message": "Your data has macro edits that need to be reviewed.",
"description": "Your file has been uploaded, but the filing process may not proceed until edits are verified or the file is corrected and re-uploaded."
"start": 1585750668652,
"end": 0,
"fileName": "<file_name>",
"receipt": "",
"qualityVerified": false,
"macroVerified": false,
"qualityExists": true,
"macroExists": false