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HMDA Public Verification API

The following are HMDA Public API endpoints that do not require authentication. You may use these public endpoints to help prepare your data for sumbission.

Single TS Verification

These endpoints are used to parse and run edits on a TS. Use parse to check for parsing errors and validate/{{year}} to check for syntactical, validity, and quality edits.

Parse TS

This endpoint runs parsing on a Transmittal Sheet (TS). The endpoint returns a list of parsing errors in JSON format. If the TS is valid it the parsed TS object in JSON format.


Method: POST
Payload: Pipe delimited TS
  curl -X POST \
"" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"ts" : "1|Bank 0|2018|4|Jane|111-111-1111||123 Main St|Washington|DC|20001|9|100|99-999999|10Bx939c5543TqA1144M"
JSON Response:
"id": 1,
"institutionName": "Bank 0",
"year": 2018,
"quarter": 4,
"contact": {
"name": "Jane",
"phone": "111-111-1111",
"email": "",
"address": {
"street": "123 Main St",
"city": "Washington",
"state": "DC",
"zipCode": "20001"
"agency": 9,
"totalLines": 100,
"taxId": "99-999999",
"LEI": "10Bx939c5543TqA1144M"

Validate TS

This endpoint runs parsing and a specific year's edit checks on a Transmittal Sheet (TS). It returns edit details if the TS is able to be parsed or parsing errors if not.

Note: Some edit checks require institution data. These checks are not run in any public APIs.

Method: POST
Payload: Pipe delimited TS


  curl -X POST \
"" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"ts" : "1|Bank 0|2018|4|Jane|111-111-1111||123 Main St|Washington|DC|20001|9|100|99-999999|10Bx939c5543TqA1144M"
JSON Response:
"syntactical": {
"errors": []
"validity": {
"errors": []
"quality": {
"errors": []

Single LAR Verification

These endpoints are used to parse and and run edits on a LAR. Use parse to check for parsing errors and validate/{{year}} to check for syntactical, validity, and quality edits.

Parse a LAR

This endpoint runs parsing on a single Loan Application Register (LAR). The endpoint returns a list of parsing errors in JSON format. If the LAR is valid it returns the parsed LAR object in JSON format.

Method: POST
Payload: { "lar": "{{Pipe delimited LAR}}"}


  curl -X POST \
"" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ "lar": "2|10Bx939c5543TqA1144M|10Bx939c5543TqA1144M999143X38|20180721|1|1|1|1|1|110500|1|20180721|123 Main St|Beverly Hills|CA|90210|06037|06037264000|1|1|1|1|1||1|1|1|1|1||3|3|5|7|7|7|7||||5|7|7|7|7||||3|3|1|1|3|3|30|30|36|1|0.428|1|1|750|750|1|9|1|9|10|10|10|10||2399.04|NA|NA|NA|NA|4.125|NA|42.95|80.05|360|NA|1|2|1|1|350500|1|1|5|NA|1|1|12345|1|1|1|1|1||1|1|1|1|1||1|1|1"
JSON Response:
"larIdentifier": {
"id": 2,
"LEI": "10BX939C5543TQA1144M",
"NMLSRIdentifier": "12345"
"loan": {
"ULI": "10Bx939c5543TqA1144M999143X38",
"applicationDate": "20180721",
"loanType": 1,
"loanPurpose": 1,
"constructionMethod": 1,
"occupancy": 1,
"amount": 110500.0,
"loanTerm": "360",
"rateSpread": "0.428",
"interestRate": "4.125",
"prepaymentPenaltyTerm": "NA",
"debtToIncomeRatio": "42.95",
"combinedLoanToValueRatio": "80.05",
"introductoryRatePeriod": "NA"
"larAction": {
"preapproval": 1,
"actionTakenType": 1,
"actionTakenDate": 20180721
"geography": {
"street": "123 Main St",
"city": "Beverly Hills",
"state": "CA",
"zipCode": "90210",
"county": "06037",
"tract": "06037264000"
"applicant": {
"ethnicity": {
"ethnicity1": 1,
"ethnicity2": 1,
"ethnicity3": 1,
"ethnicity4": 1,
"ethnicity5": 1,
"otherHispanicOrLatino": "",
"ethnicityObserved": 3
"race": {
"race1": 5,
"race2": 7,
"race3": 7,
"race4": 7,
"race5": 7,
"otherNativeRace": "",
"otherAsianRace": "",
"otherPacificIslanderRace": "",
"raceObserved": 3
"sex": {
"sex": 1,
"sexObserved": 3
"age": 30,
"creditScore": 750,
"creditScoreType": 1,
"otherCreditScoreModel": "9"
"coApplicant": {
"ethnicity": {
"ethnicity1": 1,
"ethnicity2": 1,
"ethnicity3": 1,
"ethnicity4": 1,
"ethnicity5": 1,
"otherHispanicOrLatino": "",
"ethnicityObserved": 3
"race": {
"race1": 5,
"race2": 7,
"race3": 7,
"race4": 7,
"race5": 7,
"otherNativeRace": "",
"otherAsianRace": "",
"otherPacificIslanderRace": "",
"raceObserved": 3
"sex": {
"sex": 1,
"sexObserved": 3
"age": 30,
"creditScore": 750,
"creditScoreType": 1,
"otherCreditScoreModel": "9"
"income": "36",
"purchaserType": 1,
"hoepaStatus": 1,
"lienStatus": 1,
"denial": {
"denialReason1": 10,
"denialReason2": 10,
"denialReason3": 10,
"denialReason4": 10,
"otherDenialReason": ""
"loanDisclosure": {
"totalLoanCosts": "2399.04",
"totalPointsAndFees": "NA",
"originationCharges": "NA",
"discountPoints": "NA",
"lenderCredits": "NA"
"nonAmortizingFeatures": {
"balloonPayment": 1,
"interestOnlyPayment": 2,
"negativeAmortization": 1,
"otherNonAmortizingFeatures": 1
"property": {
"propertyValue": "350500.0",
"manufacturedHomeSecuredProperty": 1,
"manufacturedHomeLandPropertyInterest": 1,
"totalUnits": 5,
"multiFamilyAffordableUnits": "NA"
"applicationSubmission": 1,
"payableToInstitution": 1,
"AUS": {
"aus1": 1,
"aus2": 1,
"aus3": 1,
"aus4": 1,
"aus5": 1,
"otherAUS": ""
"ausResult": {
"ausResult1": 1,
"ausResult2": 1,
"ausResult3": 1,
"ausResult4": 1,
"ausResult5": 1,
"otherAusResult": ""
"reverseMortgage": 1,
"lineOfCredit": 1,
"businessOrCommercialPurpose": 1

Validate a LAR

This endpoint runs parsing and a specific year's edit checks on a Loan Application Register (LAR). It returns edit details if the LAR is able to be parsed or parsing errors if not.

Note: Some edit checks require institution data. These checks are not run in any public APIs. Macro edits are also not run this endpoint checks only a single LAR.

Method: POST
Payload: {"lar": "{{Pipe delimited LAR}}"}


curl -X POST \
"" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
JSON Response:
"syntactical": {
"errors": []
"validity": {
"errors": []
"quality": {
"errors": [
"edit": "Q618",
"description": "\"If Construction Method equals 2, then Manufactured Home Secured Property Type generally should not be 3.\""
"edit": "Q631",
"description": "\"If Loan Type equals 2, 3 or 4, then Total Units generally should be less than or equal to 4.\""
"edit": "Q632",
"description": "\"If Automated Underwriting System: 1; Automated Underwriting System: 2; Automated Underwriting System: 3; Automated Underwriting System: 4; or Automated Underwriting System: 5 equals 3, then the corresponding Automated Underwriting System Result: 1; Automated Underwriting System Result: 2; Automated Underwriting System Result: 3; Automated Underwriting System Result: 4; or Automated Underwriting System Result: 5 should equal 8 or 13.\""

Full HMDA File Verification

The following endpoints can be used to parse and run edit checks on a full HMDA file.

Parse a HMDA File

This endpoint runs parsing on a HMDA file. The endpoint returns a list of parsing errors in JSON format. If the file is valid it returns and empty list.

Payload: HMDA file


curl -X OPTIONS \
"" \
-F file=@<PATH>/<FILENAME>.txt
JSON Response:
"validated": []

Validate a HMDA File

This endpoint runs parsing and a specific year's edit checks on a HMDA file. This endpoint runs checks row by row and so can return both parsing and edit check information if some rows pass parsing and others do not.

Note: Some edit checks require institution data. These checks are not run in any public APIs. Macro edits are also not run as the check runs line by line.

Method: POST
Payload: HMDA file


curl -X POST \
"" \
-F file=@<PATH>/<FILENAME>.txt
JSON Response:
"parserErrors": [
"rowNumber": 1,
"estimatedULI": "Transmittal Sheet",
"errorMessages": [
"fieldName": "Calendar Quarter",
"inputValue": "a",
"validValues": "Integer"
"validationErrors": [
"editName": "V619-2",
"editDescription": "\"The Action Taken Date must be in the reporting year.\"",
"fields": {
"Action Taken Date": "20180908",
"Application Date": "NA"

An official website of the CFPB's HMDA  v3.1.1b

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