S305 | Applicable to all data fields | All data fields in the LAR | A duplicate transaction has been reported. Please review and update your file accordingly. |
S306 | Universal Loan Identifier (ULI) | Universal Loan Identifier (ULI) | A duplicate ULI has been reported. Please review and update your file accordingly. 1) If Action Taken equals 1, a duplicate ULI cannot be reported. |
V608 | Universal Loan Identifier (ULI) or Non-Universal Loan Identifier (NULI) | Universal Loan Identifier (ULI) Universal Loan Identifier (NULI) | A ULI with an invalid format was provided. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) The required format for ULI is alphanumeric with at least 23 characters and up to 45 characters, and it cannot be left blank. 2) The required format for NULIis alphanumeric with at least 1 character and no more than 22 characters, and it cannot be NA, Exempt, 1111 or left blank. |
V609 | Universal Loan Identifier (ULI) | Universal Loan Identifier (ULI) | An invalid ULI was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Based on the check digit calculation, the ULI contains a transcription error. |
V610 | Application Date | Application Date; Action Taken | An invalid data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Application Date must be either a valid date using YYYYMMDD format or NA, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Action Taken equals 6, then Application Date must be NA, and the reverse must be true. |
V611 | Loan Type | Loan Type | An invalid Loan Type was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Loan Type must equal 1, 2, 3, or 4, and cannot be left blank. |
V612 | Loan Purpose | Loan Purpose; Preapproval | An invalid Loan Purpose was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Loan Purpose must equal 1, 2, 31, 32, 4, or 5, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Preapprovalequals 1, then Loan Purpose must equal 1. |
V613 | Preapproval | Preapproval; Action Taken | An invalid Preapprovaldata field was provided. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Preapproval must equal 1 or 2, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Action Taken equals 7 or 8, then Preapproval must equal 1. 3) If Action Taken equals 3, 4, 5, or 6, then Preapproval must equal 2. 4) If Preapproval equals 1, then Action Taken must equal 1, 2, 7, or 8. |
V614 | Preapproval | Preapproval; Loan Purpose; Multifamily Affordable Units; Reverse Mortgage; Open-End Line of Credit | An invalid Preapprovalwas provided. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Loan Purpose equals 2, 4, 31, 32, or 5, then Preapproval must equal 2. 2) If Multifamily Affordable Units is a number, then Preapproval must equal 2. 3) If Reverse Mortgage equals 1, then Preapproval must equal 2. 4) If Open-End Line of Credit equals 1, then Preapproval must equal 2. |
V615 | Construction Method | Construction Method; Manufactured Home Land Property Interest; Manufactured Home Secured Property Type | An invalid Construction Method was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Construction Method must equal 1 or 2, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Manufactured Home Land Property Interest equals 1, 2, 3, or 4, then Construction Method must equal 2. 3) If Manufactured Home Secured Property Type equals 1 or 2 then Construction Method must equal 2. |
V616 | Occupancy Type | Occupancy Type | An invalid Occupancy Type was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Occupancy Type must equal 1, 2, or 3, and cannot be left blank. |
V617 | Loan Amount | Loan Amount | An invalid Loan Amount was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1)Loan Amountmust be a number greater than or equal to 0, and cannot be left blank. |
V618 | Action Taken | Action Taken | An invalid Action Taken was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Action Taken must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, and cannot be left blank. |
V619 | Action Taken Date | Action Taken Date; Application Date | An invalid Action Taken Date was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Action Taken Date must be a valid date using YYYYMMDD format, and cannot be left blank. 2) The Action Taken Datemust be in the reporting year. 3) If Action Taken equals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, or 8, then the Action Taken Datemust be on or after the Application Date. |
V620 | Property Address | Street Address | An invalid Street Address was provided. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Street Address cannot be left blank. |
V621 | Property Address | City | An invalid City was provided. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Citycannot be left blank. |
V622 | Property Address | Street Address; City; State; Zip Code | An invalid City,State, and/or Zip Code were provided. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Street Address was not reported NA or Exempt, then City,State, and Zip Code must be provided, and not reported NA. |
V623 | Property Address; Property Location | State | An invalid State was provided. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Statemust be either a two-letter state code or NA, and cannot be left blank. |
V624 | Property Address | Zip Code | An invalid Zip Code was provided. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) The required format for Zip Code is 12345-1010, 12345, NA, or Exempt, and cannot be left blank. |
V625 | Property Location | Census Tract | An invalid Census Tract was provided. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) The required format for Census Tract is an eleven-digit number or NA, and it cannot be left blank. 2) If Census Tractis not reported NA, then the number provided must be a valid census tract number defined by the U.S. Census Bureau. |
V626 | Property Location | County | An invalid County was provided. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) The required format for County is a five-digit FIPS code or NA, and it cannot be left blank |
V627 | Property Location | Census Tract; County | An invalid Census Tract or County was provided. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Countyand Census Tractare not reported NA, theymust be a valid combination of information. The first five digits of theCensus Tractmust match the reported five-digit County FIPS code. |
V628 | Ethnicity | Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 1; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 2; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 3; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 4; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 5; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Hispanic or Latino | An invalid Ethnicitydata field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 1 must equal 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2, 3, or 4, and cannot be left blank, unless an ethnicity is provided in Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Hispanic or Latino . 2)Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 2; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 3 ;Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 4; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 5 must equal 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2, or be left blank. 3) Each Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower code can only be reported once. 4) If Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 3 or 4; then Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 2; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 3;Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 4; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 5 must be left blank. |
V629 | Ethnicity | Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 1; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 2; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 3; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 4; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 5; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Hispanic or Latino. | An invalid Ethnicitydata field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname must equal 1, 2, or 3, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname equals 1, then Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 1 must equal 1 or 2; and Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 2 must equal 1, 2 or be left blank;and Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 3 ; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 4; and Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 5 must all be left blank. 3) If Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname equals 2, then Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 1 must equal 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2, or 3, and cannot be left blank, unless an ethnicity is provided in Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Hispanic or Latino . |
V630 | Ethnicity | Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 1; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname | An invalid Ethnicity data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 4, then Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname must equal 3. |
V631 | Ethnicity | Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 2; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 3; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 4; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 5; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Hispanic or Latino. | An invalid Ethnicitydata field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 must equal 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2, 3, 4, or 5, and cannot be left blank, unless an ethnicity is provided in Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Hispanic or Latino . 2) Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 2; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 3; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 4 ; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 5 must equal 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2, or be left blank. 3) Each Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower code can only be reported once. 4) If Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 3, 4, or 5; then Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 2; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 3 ; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 4; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 5 must be left blank. |
V632 | Ethnicity | Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 2; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 3; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 4; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 5; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Hispanic or Latino | An invalid Ethnicitydata field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname must equal 1, 2, 3, or 4, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname equals 1 ; then Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 must equal 1 or 2; and Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 2 must equal 1, 2 or be left blank;and Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 3; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 4; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 5 must all be left blank. 3) If Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname equals 2 ; then E thnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 must equal 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2, or 3, and cannot be left blank, unless an ethnicity is provided in Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Hispanic or Latino . |
V633 | Ethnicity | Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname | An invalid Ethnicity data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 4, then Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname must equal 3. |
V634 | Ethnicity | Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname | An invalid Ethnicity data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 5, then Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname must equal 4, and the reverse must be true. |
V635 | Race | Race of Applicant or Borrower: 1; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 2; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 3; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 4; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 5; Race of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe;Race of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Asian; Race of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Pacific Islander | An invalid Race data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Race of Applicant or Borrower: 1must equal 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 3, 4, 41, 42, 43, 44, 5, 6, or 7, and cannot be left blank, unless a race is provided in Race of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe , Race of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Asian, or Race of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Pacific Islander . 2) Race of Applicant or Borrower: 2; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 3 ; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 4; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 5 must equal 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 3, 4, 41, 42, 43, 44, 5, or be left blank. 3) Each Race of Applicant or Borrower code can only be reported once. 4) If Race of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 6 or 7; then Race of Applicant or Borrower: 2;Race of Applicant or Borrower: 3;Race of Applicant or Borrower: 4; and Race of Applicant or Borrower: 5 must all be left blank. |
V636 | Race | Race of Applicant or Borrower: 1; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 2; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 3; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 4; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 5; Race of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname; Race of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe; Race of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Asian; Race of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Pacific Islander | An invalid Race data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Race of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname must equal 1, 2, or 3, and cannot be left blank. 2) If R ace of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname equals 1; then Race of Applicant or Borrower: 1 must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, and Race of Applicant or Borrower: 2; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 3; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 4; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 5 must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, or be left blank. 3) If Race of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname equals 2, Race of Applicant or Borrower: 1 must equal 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 3, 4, 41, 42, 43, 44, 5, or 6, and cannot be left blank, unless a race is provided in Race of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe , Race of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Asian, or Race of Applicant or Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Pacific Islander ; and Race of Applicant or Borrower: 2; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 3; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 4; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 5 must equal 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 3, 4, 41, 42, 43, 44, 5, or be left blank. |
V637 | Race | Race of Applicant or Borrower: 1; Race of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname | An invalid Race data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Race of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 7, then Race of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname must equal 3. |
V638 | Race | Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 2; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 3; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 4; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 5; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Asian; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Pacific Islander | An invalid Racedata field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 must equal 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 3, 4, 41, 42, 43, 44, 5, 6, 7, or 8, and cannot be left blank, unless a race is provided in Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe , Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Asian, or Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Pacific Islander . 2) Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 2; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 3; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 4; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 5 must equal 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 3, 4, 41, 42, 43, 44, 5, or be left blank. 3) Each Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower code can only be reported once. 4) If Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 6, 7, or 8, then Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 2 ;Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 3;Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 4;and Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 5 must be left blank. |
V639 | Race | Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 2; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 3; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 4; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 5; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Asian; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Pacific Islander | An invalid Race data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname must equal 1, 2, 3, or 4, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname equals 1, then Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5; and Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 2; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 3; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 4; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 5 must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, or be left blank. 3) If Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname equals 2, then Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 must equal 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 3, 4, 41, 42, 43, 44, 5, or 6, and cannot be left blank, unless a race is provided in Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe , Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Asian, or Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Free Form Text Field for Other Pacific Islander ; and Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 2; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 3; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 4; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 5 must equal 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 3, 4, 41, 42, 43, 44, 5, or be left blank. |
V640 | Race | Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname | An invalid Race data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 7, then Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname must equal 3. |
V641 | Race | Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname | An invalid Racedata field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 8, then Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname must equal 4, and the reverse must be true. |
V642 | Sex | Sex of Applicant or Borrower; Sex of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname | An invalid Sexdata field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Sex of Applicant or Borrower must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6, and cannot be left blank. 2) Sex of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname must equal 1, 2, or 3, and cannot be left blank. |
V643 | Sex | Sex of Applicant or Borrower; Sex of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname | An invalid Sexdata fieldwas reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Sex of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname equals 1, then S ex of Applicant or Borrower must equal 1 or 2. |
V644 | Sex | Sex of Applicant or Borrower; Sex of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname | An invalid Sex data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Sex of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname equals 2, then Sex of Applicant or Borrower must equal 1, 2, 3, or 6. 2) If Sex of Applicant or Borrowerequals 6, then Sex of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname must equal 2 or 3. |
V645 | Sex | Sex of Applicant or Borrower; Sex of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname | An invalidSexdata field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Sex of Applicant or Borrower equals 4, then Sex of Applicant or Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname must equal 3. |
V646 | Sex | Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower; Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname | An invalid Sexdata field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, and cannot be left blank. 2) Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname must equal 1, 2, 3, or 4, and cannot be left blank. |
V647 | Sex | Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower; Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname | An invalid Sex data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname equals 1, then Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower must equal 1 or 2. |
V648 | Sex | Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower; Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname | An invalid Sexdata field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If S ex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname equals 2, then Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower must equal 1, 2, 3, or 6. 2) If Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower equals 6, then Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname must equal 2 or 3. |
V649 | Sex | Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower; Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname | An invalid Sex data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower equals 4, then Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname must equal 3. |
V650 | Sex | Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower; Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname | An invalid Sexdata field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower Collected on the Basis of Visual Observation or Surname equals 4, then Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower must equal 5, and the reverse must be true. |
V651 | Age | Age of Applicant or Borrower; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower 1; Race of Applicant or Borrower 1; Sex of Applicant or Borrower | An invalid Age of Applicant or Borrower was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Age of Applicant or Borrower must be a whole number greater than zero, and cannot be left blank. 2) If the Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 4; and Race of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 7; Sex of Applicant or Borrower equals 4; and Action Taken does not equal 6, indicating the applicant or borrower is a non-natural person, then Age of Applicant or Borrower must equal 8888. |
V652 | Age | Age of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower 1; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower 1; Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower | An invalid Age of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Age of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower must be a whole number greater than zero, and cannot be left blank. 2) If the Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 4; and Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 7 ; and Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 4; and Action Taken does not equal 6, indicating that the co-applicant or co-borrower is a non-natural person, then Age of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower must equal 8888. |
V654 | Income | Income; Multifamily Affordable Units | An invalidIncomewas reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Income must be either a positive or negative integer rounded to the nearest thousand or NA, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Multifamily Affordable Unitsis a number, thenIncomemust be NA. |
V655 | Income | Income; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 1; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 1; Sex of Applicant or Borrower: 1; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1; Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 | An invalidIncomewas reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 4; and Race of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 7; Sex of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 4; and Action Taken does not equal 6, indicating the applicant is a non-natural person, then Income must be NA. 2) If Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 4; and Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 7; Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 4; and Action Taken does not equal 6, indicating that the co-applicant or co-borrower is a non-natural person, then Income must be NA. |
V656 | Type of Purchaser | Type of Purchaser; Action Taken | An invalid Type of Purchaser was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Type of Purchaser must equal 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 71, 72, 8, or 9, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Action Taken equals 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, or 8, then Type of Purchasermust equal 0. |
V657 | Rate Spread | Rate Spread; Action Taken; Reverse Mortgage | An invalid Rate Spread was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Rate Spread must be a number, Exempt, or NA, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Action Taken equals 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7, then Rate Spread must be NA or Exempt. 3) If Reverse Mortgage equals 1, then Rate Spread must be NA or Exempt. |
V658 | HOEPA Status | HOEPA Status; Action Taken | An invalid HOEPA Status was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) HOEPA Status must equal 1, 2, or 3, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Action Taken equals 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, or 8, then HOEPA Status must be 3. |
V659 | Lien Status | Lien Status | An invalid Lien Status was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Lien Status must equal 1 or 2, and cannot be left blank. |
V660 | Credit Score | Credit Score of Applicant or Borrower; Applicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model | An invalid Credit Scoredata field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Credit Score of Applicant or Borrower must be a number, and cannot be left blank. 2) Applicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model must equal 1111, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 11. |
V661 | Credit Score | Credit Score of Applicant or Borrower; Applicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model | An invalid Credit Score data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Credit Score of Applicant or Borrower equals 8888, indicating not applicable, then Applicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model must equal 9, and the reverse must be true. |
V662 | Credit Score | Applicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model; Applicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 8 | An invalid Credit Scoredata field was reported. Please review the information below update your file accordingly. 1) If Applicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model equals 1111, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, or 11 then Applicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 8 must be left blank, and the reverse must be true. 2) If Applicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model equals 8, then A pplicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 8 must not be blank, and the reverse must be true. |
V663 | Credit Score | Action Taken; Credit Score of Applicant or Borrower; Applicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model; Applicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 8 | An invalid Credit Scoredata field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If A ction Taken equals 4, 5, or 6, then Credit Score of Applicant or Borrower must equal 8888 or 1111; and A pplicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model must equal 9 or 1111; and Applicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 8 must be left blank. |
V664 | Credit Score | Action Taken; Credit Score of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model; Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 8 | An invalid Credit Score data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Action Taken equals 4, 5, or 6, then Credit Score of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower must equal 8888 or 1111; and Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model must equal 9 or 1111; and Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 8 must be left blank |
V665 | Credit Score | Credit Score of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower; Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model | An invalid Credit Score data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Credit Score of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower must be a number, and cannot be left blank. 2) Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model must equal 1111, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11 and cannot be left blank. |
V666 | Credit Score | Credit Score of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower; Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model | An invalid Credit Score data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Credit Score of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower equals 8888, indicating not applicable, then Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model must equal 9, and the reverse must be true. 2) If Credit Score of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower equals 9999 indicating no co-applicant, then Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model must equal 10, and the reverse must be true. |
V667 | Credit Score | Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower,Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model; Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 8 | An invalid Credit Score data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model equals 1111, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, or 11 then Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 8 must be left blank, and the reverse must be true. 2) If Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model equals 8, thenCo-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 8must not be left blank, and the reverse must be true. |
V668 | Credit Score | Credit Score of Applicant or Borrower; Credit Score of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower 1; Race of Applicant or Borrower 1; Sex of Applicant or Borrower; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower 1; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower 1; Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower | An invalid Credit Scoredata point was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 4; and Race of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 7; and Sex of Applicant or Borrower equals 4 indicating the applicant is a non-natural person then Credit Score of Applicant or Borrower must equal 8888, indicating not applicable, or 1111. 2) If E thnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 4; and Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 7; and Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrowerequals 4 indicating that the co-applicant is a non-natural person, then Credit Score of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower must equal 8888, indicating not applicable, or 1111. |
V669 | Reason for Denial | Reason for Denial: 1; Reason for Denial: 2; Reason for Denial: 3; Reason for Denial: 4 | An invalid Reason for Denial data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Reason for Denial: 1 must equal 1111, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10, and cannot be left blank. 2) Reason for Denial: 2; Reason for Denial: 3 ; and Reason for Denial: 4 must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or be left blank. 3) Each Reason for Denialcode can only be reported once. 4) If Reason for Denial: 1 equals 1111 or 10, then Reason for Denial: 2; Reason for Denial: 3; and Reason for Denial: 4 must all be left blank. |
V670 | Reason for Denial | Action Taken; Reason for Denial: 1 | An invalid Reason for Denialdata field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Action Taken equals 3 or 7, then the Reason for Denial: 1 must equal 1111, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. 2) If Reason for Denial: 1 equals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, then Action Taken must equal 3 or 7. 2) If Action Taken equals 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, or 8, then Reason for Denial: 1 must equal 1111 or 10. 4) If Reason for Denial: 1 equals 10, then Action Taken must equal 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, or 8. |
V671 | Reason for Denial | Reason for Denial: 1; Reason for Denial: 2; Reason for Denial: 3; Reason for Denial: 4; Reason for Denial: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 9 | An invalid Reason for Denial data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Reason for Denial: 1; Reason for Denial: 2 ; Reason for Denial: 3; or Reason for Denial: 4was reported Code 9: Other; however, the Reason for Denial: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 9 was left blank; or 2) The Reason for Denial: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 9 was reported, but Code 9 was not reported in Reason for Denial: 1 ;Reason for Denial: 2;Reason for Denial: 3; or Reason for Denial: 4. |
V672 | Total Loan Costs or Total Points and Fees | Total Loan Costs; Total Points and Fees; Action Taken; Reverse Mortgage; Open-End Line of Credit; Business or Commercial Purpose | An invalid Total Loan Costs or Total Points and Fees data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Total Loan Costsmust be a number greater than or equal to 0, NA, or Exempt, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Total Points and Fees is a number greater than or equal to 0, then Total Loan Costs must be NA. 3) If R everse Mortgage equals 1, then Total Loan Costs must be NA or Exempt. 4) If Open-End Line of Credit equals 1, then Total Loan Costs must be NA or Exempt. 5) If Business or Commercial Purpose equals 1, then Total Loan Costs must be NA or Exempt. 6) If Action Taken equals 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, or 8, then Total Loan Costs must be NA or Exempt. |
V673 | Total Loan Costs or Total Points and Fees | Total Points and Fees; Action Taken; Reverse Mortgage; Business or Commercial Purpose | An invalid Total Points and Feeswas reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Total Points and Feesmust bea number greater than or equal to 0, Exempt, or NA, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Action Taken equals 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 then Total Points and Fees must be NA or Exempt. 3) If Reverse Mortgage equals 1, then Total Points and Fees must be NA or Exempt. 4) If Business or Commercial Purpose equals 1, then Total Points and Fees must be NA or Exempt. 5) If Total Loan Costs is a number greater than or equal to 0, then Total Points and Fees must be NA. |
V674 | Origination Charges | Origination Charges; Reverse Mortgage; Open-End Line of Credit; Business or Commercial Purpose; Action Taken | An invalid Origination Charges was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Origination Charges must be a number greater than or equal to 0, Exempt, or NA, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Reverse Mortgage equals 1, then Origination Charges must be NA or Exempt. 3) If Open-End Line of Credit equals 1, then Origination Charges must be NA or Exempt. 4) If Business or Commercial Purpose equals 1, then Origination Charges must be NA or Exempt. 5) If Action Taken equals 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, or 8, then Origination Charges must be NA or Exempt. |
V675 | Discount Points | Discount Points; Reverse Mortgage; Open-End Line of Credit; Business or Commercial Purpose; Action Taken | An invalid Discount Points was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1)Discount Pointsmust be a number greater than 0, blank, Exempt, or NA. 2) If Reverse Mortgage equals 1, then Discount Points must be NA or Exempt. 3) If Open-End Line of Credit equals 1, then Discount Points must be NA or Exempt. 4) If Business or Commercial Purpose equals 1, then Discount Points must be NA or Exempt. 5) If Action Taken equals 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, or 8, then Discount Pointsmust be NA or Exempt. |
V676 | Lender Credits | Lender Credits; Reverse Mortgage; Open-End Line of Credit; Business or Commercial Purpose; Action Taken | An invalid Lender Credits was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Lender Credits must be a number greater than 0, blank, Exempt, or NA. 2) If Reverse Mortgage equals 1, thenLender Creditsmust be NA or Exempt. 3) If Open-End Line of Credit equals 1, then Lender Credits must be NA or Exempt. 4) If Business or Commercial Purpose equals 1, then Lender Credits must be NA or Exempt. 5) If Action Taken equals 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, or 8, then Lender Credits must be NA or Exempt. |
V677 | Interest Rate | Interest Rate; Action Taken | An invalid Interest Rate was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Interest Rate must be a number greater than or equal to 0, Exempt, or NA, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Action Takenequals 3, 4, 5, or 7; then Interest Rate must be NA or Exempt. |
V678 | Prepayment Penalty Term | Prepayment Penalty Term; Action Taken; Reverse Mortgage; Business or Commercial Purpose; Loan Term | An invalid Prepayment Penalty Term was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Prepayment Penalty Term must be a whole number greater than 0, Exempt, or NA, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Action Taken equals 6, then Prepayment Penalty Term must be NA or Exempt. 3) If Reverse Mortgage equals 1, then Prepayment Penalty Term must be NA or Exempt. 4) If Business or Commercial Purposeequals 1, then Prepayment Penalty Term must be NA or Exempt. 5) If both Prepayment Penalty Termand Loan Term are numbers, then Prepayment Penalty Termmust be less than or equal to Loan Term. |
V679 | Debt-to-Income Ratio | Debt-to-Income Ratio, Multifamily Affordable Units, Action Taken | An invalid Debt-to-Income Ratio was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Debt-to-Income Ratiomust be a number, Exempt, or NA, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Action Taken equals 4, 5, or 6, then Debt-to-Income Ratio must be NA or Exempt. 3) If Multifamily Affordable Unitsis a number, then Debt-to-Income Ratio must be NA or Exempt. |
V680 | Debt-to-Income Ratio | Debt-to-Income Ratio; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 1; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 1; Sex of Applicant or Borrower: 1; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1; Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 | An invalid Debt-to-Income Ratio was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 4; and Race of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 7; and Sex of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 4 indicating the applicant or borrower is a non-natural person; and the Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 5; and Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 8; and Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 5 indicating that there is no co-applicant or co-borrower, then Debt-to-Income Ratiomust be NA or Exempt. 2) If Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 4; and Race of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 7; and Sex of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 4 indicating the applicant or borrower is a non-natural person; and theEthnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower:1 equals 4; and Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 7; and Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 4 indicating that the co-applicant or co-borrower is also a non-natural person, then Debt-to-Income Ratio must be NA or Exempt. |
V681 | Combined Loan-to-Value Ratio | Combined Loan-to-Value Ratio; Action Taken | An invalid Combined Loan-to-Value Ratio was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Combined Loan-to-Value Ratiomust be a number greater than 0, Exempt, or NA, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Action Taken equals 4, 5, or 6, then Combined Loan-to-Value ratio must be NA or Exempt. |
V682 | Loan Term | Loan Term; Reverse Mortgage | An invalid Loan Term was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Loan Term must be a whole number greater than zero, Exempt, or NA, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Reverse Mortgage equals 1, then Loan Term must be NA or Exempt. |
V683 | Introductory Rate Period | Introductory Rate Period | An invalid Introductory Rate Period was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Introductory Rate Period must be a whole number greater than zero, Exempt, or NA, and cannot be left blank. |
V684 | Non-Amortizing Features | Balloon Payment | An invalid Balloon Payment was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Balloon Payment must equal 1111, 1, or 2, and cannot be left blank. |
V685 | Non-Amortizing Features | Interest-Only Payments | An invalid Interest Only Payments was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Interest Only Payments must equal 1111, 1, or 2, and cannot be left blank. |
V686 | Non-Amortizing Features | Negative Amortization | An invalid Negative Amortization was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Negative Amortization must equal 1111, 1, or 2, and cannot be left blank. |
V687 | Non-Amortizing Features | Other Non-amortizing Features | An invalid Other Non-amortizing Features was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Other Non-amortizing Features must equal 1111, 1, or 2, and cannot be left blank. |
V688 | Property Value | Property Value; Action Taken | An invalid Property Value was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Property Value must be a number greater than 0, Exempt, or NA, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Action Taken equals 4 or 5, then Property Value must be NA or Exempt. |
V689 | Manufactured Home Secured Property Type | Manufactured Home Secured Property Type; Multifamily Affordable Units; Construction Method | An invalid Manufactured Home Secured Property Type was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Manufactured Home Secured Property Type must equal 1111, 1, 2, or 3, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Multifamily Affordable Unitsis a number, then Manufactured Home Secured Property Type must equal 1111 or 3. 3) If Construction Method equals 1, then Manufactured Home Secured Property Type must equal 1111 or 3. |
V690 | Manufactured Home Land Property Interest | Manufactured Home Land Property Interest; Multifamily Affordable Units; Construction Method | An invalid Manufactured Home Land Property Interest was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Manufactured Home Land Property Interest must equal 1111, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, and cannot be left blank. 2 If Multifamily Affordable Unitsis a number, then Manufactured Home Land Property Interest must equal 1111 or 5. 3) If Construction Method equals 1, then Manufactured Home Land Property Interest must equal 1111 or 5. |
V691 | Total Units | Total Units | An invalid Total Units was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Total Units must be a whole number greater than 0, and cannot be left blank. |
V692 | Multifamily Affordable Units | Multifamily Affordable Units; Total Units | An invalid Multifamily Affordable Units was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Multifamily Affordable Units must be a whole number, Exempt, or NA, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Total Units is less than 5, then Multifamily Affordable Units must be NA or Exempt. 3) If Total Unitsis greater than or equal to 5, then Multifamily Affordable Units must be less than or equal to Total Units, NA or Exempt. |
V693 | Application Channel | Submission of Application; Action Taken | An invalid Application Channeldata field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Submission of Application must equal 1111, 1, 2, or 3, and cannot be left blank. 2) If A ction Taken equals 6, then Submission of Application must equal 1111 or 3. 3) If Submission of Application equals 3, then Action Taken must equal 6. |
V694 | Application Channel | Initially Payable to Your Institution; Action Taken | An invalid Application Channel data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Initially Payable to Your Institutionmust equal 1111, 1, 2, or 3, and cannot be left blank. 2) If Action Taken equals 6, then Initially Payable to Your Institution must equal 1111 or 3. 3) If Action Takenequals 1, then Initially Payable to Your Institution must equal 1111, 1, or 2. |
V695 | Mortgage Loan Originator NMLSR Identifier | Mortgage Loan Originator NMLSR Identifier | An invalid NMLSR Identifier was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) NMLSR Identifier must be a valid NMLSR ID in integer format, NA, or Exempt, and cannot be left blank. 2) NMLSR Identifier must not contain only the number zero (0) as a value. |
V696 | Automated Underwriting System | Automated Underwriting System: 1; Automated Underwriting System: 2; Automated Underwriting System: 3; Automated Underwriting System: 4; Automated Underwriting System: 5; Automated Underwriting System Result: 1; Automated Underwriting System Result: 2; Automated Underwriting System Result: 3; Automated Underwriting System Result: 4; Automated Underwriting System Result: 5 | An invalid Automated Underwriting System data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Automated Underwriting System: 1 must equal 1111, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 and cannot be left blank. Automated Underwriting System: 2; Automated Underwriting System: 3; Automated Underwriting System: 4 ; and Automated Underwriting System: 5 must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 or be left blank. 2) Automated Underwriting System Result: 1 must equal 1111, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, or 24 and cannot be left blank. Automated Underwriting System Result: 2; Automated Underwriting System Result: 3; Automated Underwriting System Result: 4 ; and Automated Underwriting System Result: 5 must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 or be left blank. 3) The number of reported Automated Underwriting Systems must equal the number of reported Automated Underwriting System Results. |
V699 | Automated Underwriting System | Automated Underwriting System: 1; Automated Underwriting System: 2; Automated Underwriting System: 3; Automated Underwriting System: 4; Automated Underwriting System: 5; Automated Underwriting System Result: 1; Automated Underwriting System Result: 2; Automated Underwriting System Result: 3; Automated Underwriting System Result: 4; Automated Underwriting System Result: 5 | An invalid Automated Underwriting System data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Automated Underwriting System: 1; Automated Underwriting System: 2; Automated Underwriting System: 3; Automated Underwriting System: 4; or Automated Underwriting System: 5 equals 5, then the corresponding Automated Underwriting System Result: 1; Automated Underwriting System Result: 2; Automated Underwriting System Result: 3; Automated Underwriting System Result: 4 ; or Automated Underwriting System Result: 5 must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 or 24. |
V700 | Automated Underwriting System | Automated Underwriting System: 1; Automated Underwriting System: 2; Automated Underwriting System: 3; Automated Underwriting System: 4; Automated Underwriting System: 5; Automated Underwriting System Result: 1; Automated Underwriting System Result: 2; Automated Underwriting System Result: 3; Automated Underwriting System Result: 4; Automated Underwriting System Result: 5 | An invalid Automated Underwriting System data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Automated Underwriting System: 1 equals 6, then the corresponding Automated Underwriting System Result: 1 must equal 17; and the Automated Underwriting System: 2; Automated Underwriting System: 3; Automated Underwriting System: 4; Automated Underwriting System: 5; Automated Underwriting System Result: 2; Automated Underwriting System Result: 3; Automated Underwriting System Result: 4; and Automated Underwriting System Result: 5 must all be left blank. 2) If Automated Underwriting System Result: 1 equals 17, then the corresponding Automated Underwriting System: 1 must equal 6; and the Automated Underwriting System: 2; Automated Underwriting System: 3; Automated Underwriting System: 4; Automated Underwriting System: 5; Automated Underwriting System Result: 2; Automated Underwriting System Result: 3; Automated Underwriting System Result: 4; and Automated Underwriting System Result: 5 must all be left blank. |
V701 | Automated Underwriting System | Automated Underwriting System: 2; Automated Underwriting System: 3; Automated Underwriting System: 4; Automated Underwriting System: 5; Automated Underwriting System Result: 2; Automated Underwriting System Result: 3; Automated Underwriting System Result: 4; Automated Underwriting System Result: 5 | An invalid Automated Underwriting System data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Automated Underwriting System: 2; Automated Underwriting System: 3; Automated Underwriting System: 4; or Automated Underwriting System: 5 was left blank, then the corresponding reported Automated Underwriting System Result: 2; Automated Underwriting System Result: 3; Automated Underwriting System Result: 4 ; or Automated Underwriting System Result: 5 must be left blank. |
V702 | Automated Underwriting System | Automated Underwriting System: 1; Automated Underwriting System: 2; Automated Underwriting System: 3; Automated Underwriting System: 4; Automated Underwriting System: 5; Automated Underwriting System: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 5 | An invalid Automated Underwriting System data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Automated Underwriting System: 1; Automated Underwriting System: 2; Automated Underwriting System: 3; Automated Underwriting System: 4; or Automated Underwriting System: 5 was reported Code 5: Other. However, the Automated Underwriting System: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 5 was left blank; or 2) The Automated Underwriting System: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 5 was reported, but Code 5 was not reported in Automated Underwriting System: 1 ;Automated Underwriting System: 2;Automated Underwriting System: 3;Automated Underwriting System: 4;orAutomated Underwriting System: 5. |
V703 | Automated Underwriting System | Automated Underwriting System Result: 1; Automated Underwriting System Result: 2; Automated Underwriting System Result: 3; Automated Underwriting System Result: 4; Automated Underwriting System Result: 5; Automated Underwriting System Result: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 16 | An invalid Automated Underwriting System Result data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Automated Underwriting System Result: 1; Automated Underwriting System Result: 2; Automated Underwriting System Result: 3; Automated Underwriting System Result: 4 ; or Automated Underwriting System Result: 5 was reported Code 16: Other. However, the Automated Underwriting System Result: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 16 was left blank; or 2) The Automated Underwriting System Result: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 16 was reported, but Code 16 was not reported in Automated Underwriting System Result: 1 ;Automated Underwriting System Result: 2;Automated Underwriting System Result: 3;Automated Underwriting System Result: 4; or Automated Underwriting System Result: 5 . |
V704 | Automated Underwriting System | Action Taken; Automated Underwriting System: 1; Automated Underwriting System Result: 1 | An invalid Automated Underwriting System data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Action Taken equals 6, then Automated Underwriting System: 1must equal 1111 or 6. 2) If Action Taken equals 6, then Automated Underwriting System Result: 1 must equal 1111 or 17. |
V705 | Automated Underwriting System | Automated Underwriting System: 1; Automated Underwriting System Result: 1; Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 1; Race of Applicant or Borrower: 1; Sex of Applicant or Borrower: 1; Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1; Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1; Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 | An invalid Automated Underwriting System data field was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 4; and Race of Applicant or Borrower: 1equals 7; and S ex of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 4 indicating the applicant is a non-natural person; and the Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 5; and R ace of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 8; and Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 5 indicating that there is no co-applicant or co-borrower, then Automated Underwriting System: 1 must equal 1111 or 6; and Automated Underwriting System Result: 1 must equal 1111 or 17. 2) If the Ethnicity of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 4; and Race of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 7; and S ex of Applicant or Borrower: 1 equals 4 indicating the applicant or borrower is a non-natural person; and Ethnicity of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 4; and Race of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 7; and Sex of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower: 1 equals 4 indicating that the co-applicant or co-borrower is also a non-natural person, then Automated Underwriting System: 1 must equal 1111 or 6; and Automated Underwriting System Result: 1 must equal 1111 or 17. |
V706 | Reverse Mortgage | Reverse Mortgage | An invalid Reverse Mortgage was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Reverse Mortgage must equal 1111, 1, or 2, and cannot be left blank. |
V707 | Open-End Line of Credit | Open-End Line of Credit | An invalid Open-End Line of Credit was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Open-End Line of Credit must equal 1111, 1, or 2, and cannot be left blank. |
V708 | Business or Commercial Purpose | Business or Commercial Purpose | An invalid Business or Commercial Purpose was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) Business or Commercial Purpose must equal 1111, 1, or 2, and cannot be left blank. |
V709 | Property Address | Street Address; City; Zip Code | An invalid Property Address was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly. 1) If Street Address, City, or Zip Code is reported Exempt, then all three must be reported Exempt. |
V710 | Credit Score | Credit Score of Applicant or Borrower; Credit Score of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower; Applicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model; Applicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 8; Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model; Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 8 | An invalid Credit Score was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly: If the Credit Score exemption election is taken, 1) Credit Score of Applicant or Borrower, Credit Score of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Applicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model, and Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model must be reported 1111; and 2) Applicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 8 and Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 8 must be left blank. |
V711 | Reason for Denial | Reason for Denial: 1; Reason for Denial: 2; Reason for Denial: 3; Reason for Denial: 4; Reason for Denial: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 9 | An invalid Reason for Denial was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly: 1) If the Reason for Denial exemption election is taken, Reason for Denial: 1 must be reported 1111; and 2) Reason for Denial: 2, Reason for Denial: 3, Reason for Denial: 4, and Reason for Denial: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 9 must be left blank. |
V712 | Total Loan Costs or Total Points and Fees | Total Loan Costs; Total Points and Fees | An invalid Total Loan Costs or Total Points and Fees was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly: 1) If the Total Loan Costs or Total Points and Fees exemption election is taken, Total Loan Costs and Total Points and Fees must be reported Exempt. |
V713 | Automated Underwriting System | Automated Underwriting System: 1; Automated Underwriting System: 2; Automated Underwriting System: 3; Automated Underwriting System: 4; Automated Underwriting System: 5; Automated Underwriting System: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 5; Automated Underwriting System Result: 1; Automated Underwriting System Result: 2; Automated Underwriting System Result: 3; Automated Underwriting System Result: 4; Automated Underwriting System Result: 5; Automated Underwriting System Result: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 16 | An invalid Automated Underwriting System was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly: If the Automated Underwriting System exemption election is taken, 1) Automated Underwriting System: 1 and Automated Underwriting System Result: 1 must be reported 1111; and 2) Automated Underwriting System: 2, Automated Underwriting System: 3, Automated Underwriting System: 4, Automated Underwriting System: 5, Automated Underwriting System: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 5, Automated Underwriting System Result: 2, Automated Underwriting System Result: 3, Automated Underwriting System Result: 4, Automated Underwriting System Result: 5, and Automated Underwriting System Result: Conditional Free Form Text Field for Code 16 must be left blank. |
V714 | Application Channel | Submission of Application; Initially Payable to Your Institution | An invalid Application Channel was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly: 1) If the Application Channel exemption election is taken, Submission of Application and Initially Payable to Your Institution must be reported 1111. |
V715 | Non-Amortizing Features | Balloon Payment; Interest-Only Payments; Negative Amortization; Other Non-amortizing Features | An invalid Non-Amortizing Features was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly: 1) If the Non-Amortizing Features exemption election is taken, Balloon Payment, Interest-Only Payments, Negative Amortization and Other Non-amortizing Features must be reported 1111. |
V716 | Property Location | County; State | An invalid Property Location was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly: 1) The reported State and County are not a valid combination. If neither State nor County were reported NA, then the County must be located within the State. |
V720 | Credit Score | Credit Score of Applicant or Borrower; Credit Score of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower; Applicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model; Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model | An invalid Credit Score was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly: 1) If Applicant or Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 11, Credit Score of Applicant or Borrower should be 280 or above. 2) If Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower, Name and Version of Credit Scoring Model is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 11, Credit Score of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower should be 280 or above. |
V721 | Age | Age of Applicant or Borrower; Age of Co-Applicant or Co-Borrower | An invalid Age was reported. Please review the information below and update your file accordingly: 1) If Age of Applicant or Borrower is not 8888, indicating Not Applicable, it must be the applicant or borrower’s age and cannot be 9999 or 1111. 2) If Age of Co-Applicant is not 8888, indicating Not Applicable, or 9999, indicating No Co-Applicant, it must be the co-applicant or co-borrower’s age and cannot be 1111. |